An update from our president, News (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

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Jul 03, 2020 | jcampbell | 1115 views
An update from our president
To our WBMHA families and friends,

I hope everyone has been keeping healthy and staying active while we all try to get through this pandemic.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the important role they play in running this organization. From parents/guardians dropping their players off, to signing up on a coaching staff, helping to run development, wearing the stripes, being the head coach of one of our fabulous teams and/or sitting on the executive. Without your participation we could not get through our season. Thank you for being a part of the WBMHA!

We have been in communication with the Town of Wasaga Beach and the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA) and are keeping up with information updates from Hockey Canada. Once we know where we sit with moving forward for next season, we will share this information on our website and Facebook page.

In order to streamline the registration process for the 2020-21 season, we have made the decision to wait until we know how the town will run the facility as well as how many players and teams we will need. Most importantly, we will ensure any return-to-play puts the safety of our participants first. We ask for your patience as we navigate through the planning stages.

As you are aware, we were unable to celebrate our players, coaches and volunteers together at the end of the 2019-20 season due to gathering restrictions put in place by the Government of Ontario. Since we still can’t be together in person, we will be acknowledging our award winners a little bit differently this year. Coaches will be contacting the players first, and in the next few days we will share the winners of the following awards:

Most Valuable Player
Most Sportsmanlike
Most Dedicated
Most Improved
Jason Arnott (most assists)

We’re very proud of all our participants and winners. You deserve the recognition for the hard work and dedication you put into the season.

Thank you all for your patience. We all miss the rink, but with due time, we should be back in the cold!

Thank you,

Jamie Barnett, President
Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey Association