2019-20 Season Award Recognition, News (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

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Jul 11, 2020 | jcampbell | 2020 views
2019-20 Season Award Recognition
Today we (virtually) present the winners of our awards. Congratulations to you, the players. You have been recognized for the awards you have won and have been a team player throughout the season. We, the WBMHA, thank you for stepping up, being a play-maker, showing up to practices ready to learn, helping team mates when they need help and showing us how to get the job done!  

The following awards are presented below:

Coach of the Year 

Most Valuable Player

Most Sportsman Like

Most Defensive

Most Improved

Most Dedicated

This award is sponsored by the Anstey family in memory of Doug Anstey. Mr. Anstey was a co-founder of the Wasaga Stars Arena and love his town. He would be very proud to honour the players who had been given this award. The winners of this award will have their name added to the Doug Anstey Memorial Trophy that sits in our arena. 

Jason Arnott Play-maker Award
This award goes to the player who has the most assists in the regular season. This award shows who is ready to make the big pass and give his/her teammate the puck to score the goal - the play-maker! 

Award Recipients 

Coach of the Year

“You don’t inspire teams by showing them how amazing you are. You inspire them by showing them how amazing they are.” - Robyn Benincasa

It is with great pleasure we announce the recipient of the 2019-2020 Tim Hortons, Coach of the Year Award to Coach Fred Caissie. We received many heartfelt email nominations on behalf of Coach Caissie. There’s no doubt that he was an excellent role model and ambassador for our minor hockey association. Our most sincere thanks to Fred for his efforts in the 2019-2020 hockey season and for having a positive impact on the athletes, their parents/guardians, the WBMHA and ultimately our community as a whole. Congratulations Fred!

I would like to share some excerpts from a few of the nominations:

“This past season I've witnessed a group of boys develop as players and fine young men and I truly believe Fred played a big part in this. They learned to win and lose as a team while always maintaining respect for each other and their opponents. Parents have repeatedly come to me asking me what's going on in the dressing room because they can't believe the level of commitment they are seeing in their kids. Parents have seen a marked improvement in their kids dedication, accountability and love of hockey some of which I believe Fred is directly responsible for. Many times the kids would hold their parents accountable for getting to practices and games on time, which is a huge life lesson when it comes to the importance of punctuality and responsibility”.

“(My child) played for Coach Fred this year and has had an amazing time being part of his team. He has learned so much from him due to his many years of coaching. He would really like his coach to receive Coach of the Year to send him off with a bang as his last year ended early due to COVID-19.”

“He didn’t have to be there - he chose to! He chose to take time away from his own family to be there for our kids. The season went on and I could see a difference! A very positive one! It was a great season!”

“At the very start of the season he came up with the motto for the season - “Quest to Be Our Best” couldn’t be more fitting! He realizes that every player gives something and takes something different from this great game! And if you figure out how to piece all of the pieces together correctly, the outcome is an unforgettable season such as we had!”

Fred’s name will be added to the plaque at the Wasaga Stars arena and he will receive a $100.00 Tim Hortons gift card.

Minor Novice 1

Head Coach: Lori Van Willigen
Sponsor: Coffee Culture 

Most Valuable Player: Brody Cook
Most Sportsman Like: Harvey Evans
Most Defensive: Emily Lawrence
Most Improved: Xavier Nunes
Most Dedicated: Mick Westerman
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Mason Skinner

A message from Coach Lori:
Minor Novice 1 had an amazing season in spite of it being cut short. We all had so much fun and every single player improved a lot and learned many new skills. We had such an amazing team this past season.  Our team work was phenomenal for such a young age group.  I would like to thank all the parents for their dedication in bringing your young athletes to the rink, helping set up and take down the boards and helping in the time box. A special thanks to my assistant coach James Nunes, my trainers Brad Westerman and Jason Skinner, my team manager Michelle Lawrence, and to Tim Cook and Joel Evans for helping on the ice when needed. Thank you to Santa (Rob) for coming out and skating with the kids around Christmastime. Without everyone's help, parents and coaching staff, it wouldn't have been as great a season as it was. I really look forward to watching these young athletes develop and excel in future years, and I especially look forward to coaching them as well as many more once we can all get back to the rink. It was a pleasure to have coached this past season. Thank you to WBMHA for giving me the opportunity to help these young athletes develop and continue their love for the game!

Minor Novice 2

Head Coach: Chris Wolfreys
Sponsor: VanderMeer Homes

Most Valuable Player: Manix Wolfreys
Most Sportsman Like: Easton Eby
Most Defensive: Evan Adam
Most Improved: Oliver Bishop
Most Dedicated: Johnythn McKay
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Carter Smithers

Major Novice

Head Coach: Micheal Berry
Sponsor: Tatham Engineering

Most Valuable Player: Ethan Makad-Smith
Most Sportsman Like: Perry Brownridge
Most Defensive: Hudson Smith
Most Improved: Audrina Allen 
Most Dedicated: Noah Thomas
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Jack Russo

Major Novice Rep

Head Coach: John Cranston
Sponsor: Signature Sold

Most Valuable Player: Hudson Cranston 
Most Sportsman Like: Darcy Cook
Most Defensive: Andrew Reed 
Most Improved: Ethan Friars
Most Dedicated: Ryo Han
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Ryder Gellow

Atom LL  1

Head Coach: Craig Williams 
Sponsor: atoMc Hockey

Most Valuable Player: Travis Hinks
Most Sportsman Like: Carolann Farr
Most Defensive: Dominic Williams
Most Improved: Ben Smithers
Most Dedicated: Malcolm Thorn
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Jonas Levy

Atom LL 2

Head Coach: Adam Dent
Sponsor: Pizza Dee’s

Most Valuable Player: Martin Ballard-Guildford
Most Sportsman Like: Makenna Defrancesco
Most Defensive: Julia Dent
Most Improved: Quinn Makad-Smith
Most Dedicated: Tiego Garcia
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Caleb King

Atom AE

Head Coach: Kyle Coker
Sponsor: Signature Sold

Most Valuable Player: Jack Cameron
Most Sportsman Like: Myles Bevilaqua
Most Defensive: Ronan Fraser
Most Improved: Cadence Battista
Most Dedicated: Weston McMurter
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: James McNally

Atom Rep

Head Coach: Adam Battista
Sponsor: Wasaga Distribution Inc.

Most Valuable Player: Hudson Bradford
Most Sportsman Like: Sawyer Bradley
Most Defensive: Liam Battista
Most Improved: James Henry
Most Dedicated: Baxter Casaubon
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Landon Tardiff

Peewee LL 1

Head Coach: Mike Dopp
Sponsor: Wasaga Beach Foodland

Most Valuable Player: Quentin LaPorte
Most Sportsman Like: Chyna Stott
Most Defensive: Damien Dent
Most Improved: Tyler Pacella
Most Dedicated: Jacob Dopp
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Zij Mina

A message from Coach Mike:
Our coaching staff would like to congratulate all of our award winners this year as voted on by our parents. Going 12-0 in our last 12 games and making the "A" final was a great accomplishment for our team. Even though we didn't get to play a final game, we are the champions. A special thanks to our team manager, Colleen Meininger, for keeping the team organized with bond hours, booking hotels, emails, and the time box.  Another shout out to Quentin LaPorte and Zij Mina for being chose to represent our team at the All Star game. Thanks to all of our players and parents for a great season.

Peewee LL 2

Head Coach: Steve Gellow
Sponsor: Imagine Jewelry and Gifts

Most Valuable Player: Cole Skidmore and Logan Travers
Most Sportsman Like: Mateo Willems
Most Defensive: James Harman
Most Improved: Liam Rye
Most Dedicated: Connor Wyville
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Adam Christie and Grayson Gellow

Peewee Rep

Head Coach: Fred Caissie
Sponsor: Beach Builders Home Hardware

Most Valuable Player: Josh Underwood
Most Sportsman Like: Ryder Milligan
Most Defensive: Aedan Tivendale
Most Improved: Ben Pozzebon
Most Dedicated: Avery McNamara
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Josh Underwood

Bantam LL 1

Head Coach: Brighty Risk
Sponsor: Wood Worx Kitchen & Bath

Most Valuable Player: Ronnie Adamec
Most Sportsman Like: Michael Goderre
Most Defensive: Jake Curtis
Most Improved: Jessica Pare
Most Dedicated: Nathan Olson
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Sebastian Willems

Bantam LL 2

Head Coach: Derek Campagna

Sponsor: JDC Homes

Most Valuable Player: Devon Jessup
Most Sportsman Like: Andrew Greg 
Most Defensive: Sam Collie 
Most Improved: Max Quinlan
Most Dedicated: Benjamin Faiella 
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Nate Cameron

Bantam Rep

Head Coach: Philip Grainger
Sponsor: Arnott Construction Ltd.

Most Valuable Player: Trevor Hutchinson
Most Sportsman Like: Alex Cavill
Most Defensive: Jackson Young
Most Improved: Koleson Edwards
Most Dedicated: Cody McGuire
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Cole Rumbolt

Midget LL

Head Coach: Marc Seguin
Sponsor: Ron Anderson

Most Valuable Player: Nathan Numainville 
Most Sportsman Like: Kieran Fancett
Most Defensive: Justin Creary
Most Improved: Travis Duguay
Most Dedicated: Shaelyn Paul 
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Meaghan Numainville

Midget Rep

Head Coach: Adam Timlock
Sponsor: Kathy Dionne Century 21 Millennium Inc. Brokerage

Most Valuable Player: Keagan Lavigne
Most Sportsman Like: Wyatt Brown
Most Defensive: Evan Collins 
Most Improved: Shane Peirce
Most Dedicated: Owen Collins
Jason Arnott Play-maker Award: Ethan Milne

With thanks ...

The WBMHA would like to extend a large THANK YOU to our team sponsors as noted above, including Tim Hortons (for our littlest Timbits!) and an extra warm thank you to Jen Lavers for scheduling our ice and Jamie Campbell for keeping our website and social media up-to-date.

Thank you all for a great season and congratulations once again. 

- Jamie Barnett, President, WBMHA