WBMHA Return to Play Framework, News (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

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Aug 28, 2020 | jcampbell | 1654 views
WBMHA Return to Play Framework
With registration for the 2020/2021 season in full swing WBMHA is pleased to announce its Return to Play Framework. Further details will be announced as the season progresses.

Hockey families need to understand that this season will be like no other we experienced in the past. The decisions made to get players back on the ice in Wasaga Beach was not an easy one.

First and foremost, the safety all our members and the community is paramount. This can only be assured if we all follow the return to play framework as well as the health and safety precautions that will be detailed in a future announcement. The decision to participate in this upcoming season is ultimately yours to make.

The mandatory rules and regulations put in place by the Provincial Government, Public Health Unit (PHU), Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF), Ontario Minor Hockey Association (OMHA), our Arena and local community stake holders ultimately determined the overall structure of our upcoming season. We would all like to see a return to hockey as we know it but this is beyond the control of WBMHA.

The season will begin September 12 with four weeks of skill development. Divisions will be capped at 50 players with two groups of 25 players identified within each division.

The groups will be divided by skill level based upon the players previous years team roster and with coach consultation, there will be no tryouts. The purpose for this is to keep similarly skilled players training together and developing at their level. Each group will have a head coach who will be responsible for development skates and training throughout the season.

Shortly after the initial 4-week development skates divisions will be divided in teams of 10 (9 skaters + 1 goalie max) where they will play in a house league 4v4 or 3v3 within the association. There will be no games vs other centers. Each team with have a dedicated coach and bench staff to assist in facilitating games only and providing on ice direction. Coaches must have proper coach certification to be eligible. Anyone interested can submit their names to any WBMHA executive member.

Players will return to their dedicated practice groups for development skates with the assigned head coach.

If you have any questions, please submit them to either the President or the OMHA Representative for WBMH. Further details for the Return to Play Framework in Ontario can be found on the OMHA and OHF websites.

We all look forward to getting back on the ice in a safe and fun environment for all.

Thank you,