UPDATE FROM WBMH PRESIDENT, News (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

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Feb 24, 2021 | tonyturner | 1203 views
Please take a moment to read this important msg from the WBMH President.

Hello WBMHA Families,


The Province has recently announced an end to the lockdown for Simcoe County and our arena is finally open again!! WBMHA executive have decided on the following plan should you wish to participate.  


Our program will start on Monday March 1, 2021 in the red zone. This means we will only be able to run our development sessions with 10 skaters on the ice. No spectators, 2 coaching staff and 1 administrator in the facility for every practice.  These Covid protocols are set by the OHF, Public Health and the Town of Wasaga Beach. They are the same protective protocols we followed before the lockdown.


WBMH is in the process of confirming coaches that will be able to continue with the sessions.


Groups of 10 will be divided when we have a confirmed number of players registered.  Coaches will be in contact with you prior to February 28th.


Ice time will be 1 skate per week with 80 minute sessions.  


Special thanks to Jenn Lavers who is working hard for our players to get a new schedule up on the website. 


Our fingers are crossed that after the two weeks, we can possibly go back to our A and B practices.   If the Province moves into the Orange zone in the coming weeks we will not return to a house league format but it will allow coaches to be more creative with their practices.   


Estimating costs associated with running a HL program along with referee assignments and logistics is impossible to predict with so many uncertainties.  


Session 3 will run until May 2,  2021.  Many of our members are involved with summer sports, we do not want to run into conflicts.


Price will be $ 160.00  for 9 weeks. Only payment taken at this time will be e-transferred to [email protected] , before you are allowed on the ice. To make things a bit easier for Erin to track, it will be mandatory that you  put your children's name in the comments section of the transfer so it can be tracked.  Password is Hockey 

Registration is only open to those players who participated in sessions 1 and 2.   

Deadline for registration is February 26, 2021.


If we go back into lockdown, we will have no choice but to end the season early and issue pro rated refunds.

Thank you all for being patient with us as our first and foremost priority is the safety of our players and families!

We will see you all in the parking lot!  

Take care, stay safe!

Go Beach Go!

Jamie Barnett