Sawyer Bradley, News (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

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Mar 17, 2022 | Cheryl McNally | 418 views
Sawyer Bradley
Sawyer, a big congratulations on your well written essay that you submitted to the OMHA as to why you are happy to have hockey back. Your essay earned you a spot in the top 5 kids all across Ontario. A job well done and so glad to see and read how much hockey and friendship means to you. The WBMHA and all of the executive are very proud of you.Keep up your hard work, great play and sportsmanship.

Hockey is a big part of my life, it’s a part of my lifestyle. It connects me with friends, it lets me give back and help the community, I get to go away on cool tournaments to places I've never been before and it teaches me life lessons and skills.

One of the biggest things about hockey for me is my team. I didn’t realize how much I needed them until I didn't have one last year. I go through the good, bad and ugly with them. They cheer me up when I’m sad and I'm always there for them. They are like a second family to me.

Another reason I'm so glad hockey’s back is because it helps me build skills like leadership, respect and that hard work always pays off. And when I didn’t have that last year I felt different. I was a little more down about myself and didn’t have that drive to keep going in school and other things.

A few weeks ago our team was having a parent meeting so all the kids went outside to play tag. I remember feeling like I didn't want to be anywhere else in the whole world at that moment, I was just having so much fun. That's truly how hockey makes me feel. Like I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else, like I rule the world when I'm skating a breakaway for my team. For all those reasons that’s why I'm excited hockey's back.