Jun 30, 2022 | Cheryl McNally | 389 views
Tomorrow is the Big Day!!
To complete the online registration process, click on the link at the top of this page which will take you to the Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey Online Registration page on the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) website and follow the instructions. Families will need to create an account in HCR before they can register. To complete your registration, you will need to select a method of payment and go through the checkout process.
- All new registrants to Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey must contact the registrar first. Please include your players name, date of birth and primary address as well as a copy of your player’s birth certificate in your email.
- If you are new to the area and your child has played previously for a different association, you will need to fill out an OMHA Residential Move Form.
For those players intending on trying out for AAA, AA or A teams: It is not required that you register with our association prior to trying out. HOWEVER should you wait to register until tryouts have concluded, registration late fees will apply and there is the possibility of being waitlisted if registration is full. If you register with us before AAA tryouts and your child is successful in securing a position on another team, you will be issued a full refund.