Coach Liaison Applications now being accepted., News (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

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Oct 21, 2022 | Cheryl McNally | 430 views
Coach Liaison Applications now being accepted.
Please send your expression of interest to John Wyville
[email protected]

Must have a minimum of 1 year coaching experience.

i.) To be eligible for election or appoint to any of the positions of the Executive, the individual must be a Member in Good Standing as described in 1.1(v).

please see below  for detailed job description. 

The Association Head Coach shall:

i.) be responsible for requesting, organizing and promoting OMHA Certification Programs and Clinics in harmony with the Risk Management Officer;
ii.) organize and promote in-house Coaching Programs ensuring adequate training of coaching personnel, these programs may be instituted prior to the season and may involve instruction from people outside the Minor Hockey structure;
iii.) establish and Chair the Coach Selection Committee;
iv.) liaise between the WBMHA Executive and the Coaches;
v.) liaise with the Referee Scheduler;
vi.) liaise with the OMHA concerning the coach mentor program;
vii.) ensure that the Manager or Coach of each team in EMHA has an up-to- date copy of the WBMHA By-Law and Rules of Operation at the start of each season;
viii.) ensure that the Coaches are aware of and adhere to the WBMHA By- Laws and Rules of Operation;
ix.) ensure the WBMHA Executive is aware of any concerns or problems Coaches are incurring with the Association Policies; 28
x.) develop an ongoing program of Coaches Evaluations and be part of a committee responsible for interviewing all coaches prior to the coach being assigned a team;
xi.) assist Coaches with team selection, team balancing and Player Evaluations, as well as facilitate meetings for support and feedback in an advisory capacity;
xii.) arrange with the Ice Convenor the necessary ice time for on-ice clinic sessions;
xiii.) coordinate the evaluation of coaches a minimum of once a year;
xiv.) have the authority to suspend any member of the Coaching Staff as deemed necessary until a meeting of the Executive Committee has been convened to discuss the matter of the suspension;
xv.) carry out other duties as assigned by the Executive Committee or the President.