WBMHA Fill-A-Helmet 2022 (AKA Tag day) WHAT & WHY: Fill-A-Helmet- a fundraising opportunity for WBMHA to raise important funds needed to support the association- ice time, insurance, and to help keep our player fees more affordable. This is a really FUN way for teammates to spend some time together putting on a happy face, representing their local hockey association. SO, let’s get out there and make positive connections in the community!
WBMHA Fill-A-Helmet 2022 (AKA Tag day)
WHAT & WHY: Fill-A-Helmet- a fundraising opportunity for WBMHA to raise important funds needed to support the association- ice time, insurance, and to help keep our player fees more affordable. This is a really FUN way for teammates to spend some time together putting on a happy face, representing their local hockey association. SO, let’s get out there and make positive connections in the community!
WHO: All registered WBMHA players (and at least 1-2 adults per location) are being asked to sign up for a minimum of 1 -- 2 hour time block at various pre-arranged business locations in Wasaga Beach. (If all players sign up for 1 time block it will make for an easy weekend.)
WHERE: There are 7 wonderful businesses in Wasaga who have graciously given us permission to stand outside of their doors collecting donations for WBMHA. Players at each site must wear a Stars jersey, and bring their helmet to collect donations in. Foodland, Tim Hortons, Superstore, Pet Valu, Canadian Tire, and Beach Builders Home Hardware. Please be respectful to the business and the customers entering and exiting the business.