Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey Association Standard Team Rules
- It is the responsibility of the head coach to establish and fairly enforce all team rules. Team rules must be applied equally and consistently to every player.
- Discipline by the head coach and all team officials must be administered appropriately and in a controlled manner, mindful of the age of the player, with a clear goal of teaching appropriate behavior. Discipline is never to be used impulsively or out of anger, or to embarrass or humiliate players.
- The head coach may suspend a player for one game (or longer if deemed appropriate). Such discipline must be reported to the Association’s Executive within 48 hours of imposition and reviewed at the next scheduled Executive meeting (or sooner if deemed necessary). A copy of the report must be submitted to Executive and Parent/Guardian.
- Ice time and positions of players are at the discretion of the coach.
- No player shall be given rides to or from any games or practices, without a letter of consent from the parent or guardian. A copy of this letter is to be submitted to the Executive. In no case is a player allowed to be driven by any staff member without another person with them.
- In the event of a conflict, no player or parent shall protest less than 24 Hours after the initial incident and all above rules must be followed. If a situation arises that can not be resolved between the coaching staff, player and/or parent the WBMHA Complaint Procedure as stated in the Rules of Operation must be followed. The Rules of Operation can be found on the WBMHA website or a copy can be provided by the secretary.
- Players are to arrive at the rink no less than ½ hour before scheduled ice time and adhere to outlined dress codes.
- Once the team is selected a parent meeting is to be called with compulsory attendance. This meeting will address: a) Code of Conduct and Team rules b) Other issues such as budget, fundraising, traveling and tournaments.
- Coaches must maintain the Two Deep Rule ensuring that two (2) Team Officals are in the dressing room at all times. Time should be allowed for questions and questions should be answered. NOTE: These are WBMHA Standard Team Rules that have been approved by the WBMHA Executive. At the beginning of each season coaches have the option to submit additions to these standard rules for their individual teams. These additions must be approved by the Executive. Please be sure to read your player's Team Rules as provided to you by your Coach.
Time should be allowed for questions and questions should be answered.
NOTE: These are WBMHA Standard Team Rules that have been approved by the WBMHA Executive. At the beginning of each season coaches have the option to submit additions to these standard rules for their individual teams. These additions must be approved by the Executive. Please be sure to read your player's Team Rules as provided to you by your Coach.