U7 Program Objectives
The first years of hockey need to be a positive experience. Hockey Canada developed the U7 Timbits Program to provide young players with a fun and exciting start to the sport, giving them the opportunity to enjoy hockey for life!
This structured, learn-to-play hockey program is designed to introduce beginners to the basic skills of the game. The skills of skating, puck control, passing and shooting are introduced and refined one step at a time allowing participants to become contributing members of a team, develop self-confidence, and experience a sense of personal achievement.
The Hockey Canada U7 Timbits Program is delivered through a progressive, learn to play teaching curriculum intended for players aged five and six, but it is suitable for any entry-level hockey player. The focus is on fun and skill development, but the early years of hockey should also allow youngsters to experience fitness, fair play and cooperation. Children learn best through practice drills and skill sessions, as well as informal games like shinny, freeze tag and obstacle courses.
The U7 Timbits program clearly outlines how to get started in hockey in a way that is enjoyable, skill-building, and confidence-developing.
Benefits of cross-ice for Timbits U7 hockey
How and why the size of the rink matters to the development of young players
There can be concerns from parents about how small-area games may impact their child’s hockey development, but parents should trust Hockey Canada and its research. Putting young players into a competitive environment too early will compromise their development; they need to be placed into competitive situations that suit their age-specific abilities. This is why Hockey Canada’s Long-Term Player Development Model is so important.
Dividing the playing surface is a decision that has been made in consultation with experts in athlete development. It is important to understand the benefits of cross-ice hockey and why Hockey Canada has a national policy ensuring all Timbits U7 hockey is played in smaller, modified spaces.
There are several advantages to the smaller-surface games model:

IHF Advantages of Cross Ice Hockey
IHF Cross-Ice Hockey and Small Area Game
Timbits Under 7 -Hockey Practice Plans