U9 Program (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

PrintU9 Program

The first years of hockey need to be a positive experience, and Hockey Canada wants every Canadian youngster to have the opportunity to participate in and benefit from a program designed to meet their specific needs, one that ensures progressive skill development and age-appropriate game play in an environment suited to their skill level.

U9 hockey serves as the foundation upon which the entire hockey experience is built, a fun and exciting start gives young players the opportunity to enjoy hockey for life! If a beginner has fun, develops basic skills and builds confidence, there is a better chance they will enjoy themselves. But if the early experience is unrewarding, they may never discover all Canada’s game has to offer. U9 hockey should be delivered through a progressive, learn-to-play teaching curriculum for 7-8-year-olds. The skills of skating, puck control, passing and shooting are introduced and refined one step at a time. The focus should always be on fun and skill development, but the early years of hockey should also allow youngsters to experience fitness, fair play and cooperation.  


Benefits of half-ice for U9 hockey

Opportunity for development increases as the size of the rink decreases

Benefits of Half-Ice Hockey

There can be concerns from parents about how small-area games may impact their child’s hockey development, but parents should trust Hockey Canada and its research. Putting young players into a competitive environment too early will compromise their development; they need to be placed into competitive situations that suit their age-specific abilities.  

Dividing the playing surface is a decision that has been made in consultation with experts in athlete development. It is important to understand the benefits of half-ice hockey and why Hockey Canada has a national policy ensuring U9 hockey is played in smaller, modified spaces.




U9 Hockey Practice Plans

Fundamental Skill Development for U9 hockey