Round Robin format U11 to U18 will consist of 8 games (4 Home & 4 Away) to be completed by midnight Mar 10. Round Robin games must be scheduled by Feb 19th, 2025 or a $100.00 fine will be issued per game to the home center.
No contracts will be needed in the Round Robins, theonedb will be the contract. Games must be on theonedb within 24 hours of agreement between both centers. All Round Robin games will be scheduled by the Ice Convenors or Local League convenor NOT COACHES.
Each Round Robin game will be won by a point system: 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and nil for a loss. No overtime games in round robin. 1 – 30 second time out per game, per team
Ties shall be broken by the following order:
1. Team with best overall winning percentage
2. Team with most wins
3. Head to Head
4. Teams with fewer goals against
5. Team with most goals scored
6. Team with least penalty minutes
Round Robin games will not be curfewed.
Round Robin play will be divided per the following: – Final Standings will determine placement.
U11: 30 Teams divided into A&B&C&D&E Pool
A Pool will consist of #1- # 6 with Top 2 teams to play for A Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
B Pool will consist of #7-#12 with Top 2 teams to play for B Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
C Pool will consist of #13-#18 with Top 2 teams to play for C Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
D Pool will consist of # 19 - #24 with Top 2 teams to play for D Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
E Pool will consist of # 25-#30 with Top 2 teams to play for E Championship. Final and 3&4 to
Play for Consolation Final
U13: 24 teams divided into A&B&C&D Pool
A Pool will consist of #1-#6 with Top 2 teams to play for A Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
B Pool will consist of #7-#12 with Top 2 teams to play for B Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
C Pool will consist of #13- #18 with Top 2 teams to play for C Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
D Pool will consist of #19-#24 with Top 2 teams to play for D Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
U15: 18Teams divided into A&B&C Pool
A Pool will consist of #1-#6 with Top 2 teams to play for A Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
B Pool will consist of #7-#11 with Top 2 teams to play for B Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
C Pool will consist of #12-#18 with Top 2 teams to play for C Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
No Trophies for Consolation Finals. Teams can decide not to play the Consolation Finals
U18: 19 Teams divided into A Pool
A Pool will consist of #1-#5with Top 2 teams to play for A Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
B Pool will consist of #6-#12 with Top 2 teams to play for B Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
C Pool will consist of #13-#19 with Top 2 teams to play for C Championship Final and 3&4 to play for Consolation Final
No Trophies for Consolation Finals. Teams can decide not to play the Consolation Finals
All round robin games must be played by Mar 10th. How ever any game that gets postponed or delayed due to weather conditions during the last 4 days of the round robin, and can’t be rescheduled before the deadline, shall be considered a tie, with a point being awarded to each team involved. PLEASE MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT (Either Centre) TO RESCHEDULE THE GAME BEFORE THE WEATHER RULE WILL BE APPLIED. The playoff convenor must be notified of the situation before midnight of Mar 10th or rule D OF FINES (GBTLL Policies) will be applied.
GAME RESULTS: The home center is responsible for uploading game sheets by midnight of the day the game is played. A $30 late game sheet fine will apply.
All game sheets from the round robin U11 to U18 must be in to Nita by midnight on March 10, 2023 or rule 4 of fines will be applied.
PLAYOFF CONTRACTS For Final Series: Centre Contacts and/or Ice Convenors set up each series, NOT COACHES. All game dates including a tie breaker final game (i.e., game 4 or game 6) must be set within the deadline. All contracts are to be signed and sent in to the division chairperson prior to playing the first game of any series. All game series numbers (eg. A110, A102) must be stated on all contracts all series numbers and game number (eg. 1 of 3, 2 of 3) must be stated on all game sheets. Electronic signatures will be accepted.
Each final series will be won by a point system: 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and nil for a loss.
The first team to 4 or 6 points (depending on the length of series) wins that series.
Home ice advantage goes to the team that finished higher in the round robin final standings. Home ice does not mean that the higher place team gets the 1st game it means they get the extra game
Centre Contacts and/or Ice Convenors set up all games, NOT COACHES. All Round Robin games will be entered by theonedb within 24 hours of both centers agreeing and emails will be saved for reference for any discrepancies between centers after the games have been entered on theonedb.
Period lengths for finals must use no less than the minimum set by the league. Length of game info must be entered on the playoff contract.
Final series can be 2 out of 3 or 3 out of 5 depending on ice availability and must be completed by Mar 31st, 2023. Contracts will be used for all series.
GAME RESULTS: In the Final Series, Centre Contact will notify the division Chairperson of game results by phone or email within 24 hours. (This allows for organization of Trophy presentation). Game sheets uploaded within 12 hrs,
OVERTIME: 1 – 10 minute, sudden victory period of 5 on 5 players will be played.
For the Final Series only. Overtime in all tie breaker games (i.e., game 4 or 6) must have OMHA approval 24hrs prior to the start of the game and once approved will only allow for 3- 10 minute overtime periods. If the game remains tied then an extra game will need to be scheduled and overtime approval will again need to requested. Penalties carry over into overtime.
A Team defaulting a game in the GBTLL Round Robin or Finals shall lose the two (2) points associated with the default and lose all Playoff privileges for the remainder of the Playoffs. The score of the game will be recorded as 5-0. The defaulting team will be required to pay the GBTLL $1000.00, the GBTLL will reimburse the Opposing Centre for submitted expenses. This includes all Round Robin games and series contracts.
All Scheduling issues that can not be resolved by the two centers will go to the division convenor and the playoff committee and will be resolved within 24 hours. The playoff committee decision will be final.
TIMEOUTS: 1 – 30 second time out per game, per team.
REFEREES: Make sure your referees are aware of playoff rules. Post them in the referees’ room. GBTLL recommends using a 3-man system for U15 and U18 games.
COACHES: All coaches must carry a copy of the signed contract for the Finals and a copy of the team’s APPROVED ROSTER with him/her to every game.
The Vice President and the playoff committee will have final say on all playoff matters.