U9 End of Year Wrap-Up (Wasaga Beach Minor Hockey)

PrintU9 End of Year Wrap-Up

GBTLL U9 Playoff Rules


All OMHA rules are in effect with the addition of the following:  

1. All teams must register at least 30 minutes before their first scheduled game.  Electronic game sheet will be used.  Bench staff must come to tournament headquarters desk to review and sign Gamesheet as per OMHA rules. Travel permits are not required as this is considered league playoffs. Team rosters will be adhered to as per OMHA rules.

2. Teams are to travel with both home & away jerseys.  For tournament definition, light colored will be home & dark colored away.

3. We recommend obtaining your team’s dressing room key and locking it when no one is present. The facility assigns the rooms to the teams.

4. All games will be 10 – 10 – 15 Stop Time.

5. Teams should be prepared to go on the ice up to 15 minutes ahead of their scheduled game time. Games may commence 15 minutes earlier than their scheduled time if the ice surface is ready.

6. No players will enter onto the ice surface before the Ice cleaner has left the ice.

7. Players will fist pump at the beginning of every game.

8. When any team is ahead by five (5) or more goals in the third period, the game will continue as Run Time. If the difference in goals gets reduced to 3, the clock will go back to stop time. The clock will be stopped for any on ice injury at the discretion of the on-ice officials. Penalties will be recorded as assessed.

9. Any player or bench staff receiving a GM, gross misconduct or a match penalty will be banned from further tournament play.  Any player given a fighting major will also be banned from further tournament play.

10. 1- 30 second time out will be permitted by each team, each game.

Tournament Format

11. a. Each team will play 2 games against the teams in their pool.

b. Points will be awarded: 2 points for a win. 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a tie. No overtime in Round Robin play.

c. The top two teams in each pool will play each other to determine a Champion.  In the event of a tie during s Championship game.

Over time will be used. It will consist of 5 on 5, ten-minute, stop time, sudden victory period. Teams will change ends for the overtime period. Goalies may be removed for an extra skater at the coach’s discretion during overtime. Penalties will be in effect for overtime and time remaining from a regulation time assessed penalty will continue into the overtime period. All OMHA rules apply.

If the teams remain tied after overtime, a winner will be determined by means of a shootout.

The shootout will consist of 6 shooters. Each team will choose their three players. When one team has successfully scored more goals than the other team, they shall be determined the Champion. If after the six shooters the game remains tied, the shootout will continue using 1 shooter from each team until one team is successful and the other team is not successful in scoring.  Players cannot shoot twice for their team until all other teammates have been utilized prior to.

Visiting team shoots first.  If a player is serving a penalty at the end of the game or ejected, that player is not eligible to participate in the shootout.

12. a) Standings after the round-robin will be decided by the following hierarchy:

i. Most points accumulated

ii. Head-to-head competition

iii. Goals for Percentage; The percentage of all goals that are scored by a team

(Goals For / (Goals For + Goals Against))

iv. Least penalty minutes

v. Team that scored the quickest in either of their 2 games


13. ZERO TOLERANCE - abusive behavior on or off the ice (physical or verbal) conducted by any player, team official, game official or fan, directed at any player, team official, game official or fan, or tournament organizer will not be accepted.  Such activities will result in expulsion from the tournament and arena.

14. Each player will receive an individual award.  These will be given to each team as they register for their first game.  We ask that you give each player at end of their final game.

15. All Decisions of the Tournament Organizers are Final




Encourage good sportsmanship.


Hockey is Fun.




On behalf of the GBTLL,

Thank you for your team’s participation in the U9 Year Wrap-Up

hosted by Wasaga Beach MHA.